To recap:
1. Write a short story (under 2000 words) or a poem that somehow includes either the season or one of the upcoming holidays.
2. Email your story to with the subject line BLOG HOLIDAY CONTEST and remember to include ALL of your contact information. This is important. Since we're the ones judging, it's probably best not to annoy us.
3. The submission due date is set for December 1 and the winners will start to be posted the following Monday, December 8.
The prize to all winners will be a posting on our blog as well as a free, one-year subscription to Hayden's Ferry Review and a free gift submission that you can give to whomever you like. As this season is one of peace, love, tolerance, and joy irrespective of any religion, every story that contains unresolved hatred or intolerance toward any sect or group of people WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. You're story doesn't have to be all sparkling lights and tinsel with everyone going home happy at the end, but this one restriction against intolerance, I believe, is reasonable. Not that you would have written a story like that anyway! We look forward to as many wonderful submissions as we received last time!