Hayden's Ferry Review


News Around the Net

Robert Crumb's "scandalous" satire of Genesis set for October.

Laura Beatty's Pollard wins the Author's Club First Novel Award.

The shortlist for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award is announced, incuding Junot Diaz.

Berlin today might just be the new Paris from the 1920's.

Current events are happening faster every day and their books seem to be keeping pace.

Rita Dove plays tribute to Beethoven's "footnote," George Bridgetower, in her new book "Sonata Mulattica."

"Slumdog" creator, Vikas Swarup's, rise from lowly ambassador-ship to Oscar-winning writer.

Agatha Christie might have had Alzheimer's.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez retires from writing.

YouTube...for books...and how one author is fighting it.

The Novel vs. The Workplace

How a single novel is at the center of French political resistance

Author Michael Cox dies at 60

Sisters Margaret Drabble and A.S. Byatt and the tea set that came between them.