HFR # 44 Goes Forth Unto You
1) A fantastic story from Holly Hall, an Arizona State undergrad with her first publication, but certainly not her last.
2) So much poetry! Oliver de la Paz. Ross Leckie. Sarah Vap. Troy Jollimore. Tons more.
3) An excerpted translation of Chus Pato's "While i write..." You'll want to get to know Pato's work. She just won the Premio de la Crítica Española (the National Spanish Poetry Prize) for poetry in Galician.
4) Christina Seely's photography from the Lux collection, which documents the artificial glow produced by major cities in the three brightest regions of the world. Here, on the cover: Kyoto, Japan.
5) A copy costs only $7.50. With postage! Email us at HFR@asu.edu for ordering details.
6) More fiction, more poetry, more translations, more photogaphy! Check out our website for some samples.