Abe's Penny, a micro-magazine from sisters Anna and Tess Knoebel, knows how much you love to get mail. Once a week, one part of a four-part story arrives in my mailbox: a postcard with an intriguing photo and a bit of text on the back. After four cards, I've got a full story or poem, and four cool images to tack up around my desk. It's a fun idea, though I'm not so good at being in the middle of things. I like to collect all four (as I've done with various Burger King glasses) and then re-read all at once. Though some installments stand up pretty well on their own. One card written by Eric Ledgin (photograph by Peter Bernard Killeen) read: "Snipers aren't a fact of life on Long Island. I only know one person who's been shot by one. It was at fairly long range, and with an air rifle - but it's still getting shot in the face. It counts as an experience." Receiving my postcard counts as an experience, too. I seem more worldly now. Even my mailman sees it.