Hayden's Ferry Review


Website of the Week - Identity Theory

I'm not exactly what you'd call "hip" on the whole online literary magazine scene, but this week my Internet diggings have produced a gem of a lit mag called Identity Theory.

Identity Theory, first published in July 2000 and updated regularly, is an online magazine that features literature, music, film, social justice and art.  This magazine has it all, from author interviews to film reviews to books and poetry.  However, I think the social justice section is what makes it stand out as a literary magazine.   Identity Theory covers international social issues through stories and its social justice blog, appropriately subtitled "blogging for change."

While browsing today, my eye was caught by "Hey Joel Osteen, I Like Your Teeth!" under Books and Writing.  Turns out it's a post on the IT Editor-in-Chief Matt Borondy's blog "tourist information," which is "a spiritual anti-journey."  My favorite part of the post is when Borondy berates Osteen for his megawatt grin: "Apparently, there's no money in innovation when it comes to spirituality.  It's all about having a nice smile.  I never got that.  Who wants a preacher with perfect teeth?  If you're going to talk about struggle and redemption, I want to see your scars."

And that is just one of the many, many engaging stories on Identity Theory.  I also like that you can submit your work (fiction, nonfiction, politically conscious, music, art, etc.), volunteer to join the editing staff, or just buy some IT stuff to support what the site is doing.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've just discovered Polly Frost's comical visual essay "A Guide to Museum Women," so I'm off to learn about the different types of women you're bound to meet in an art gallery.  Click on that lovely link up there and you can learn with me.

Happy weekend, everyone!
CortneyWebsite of the Week