Hayden's Ferry Review


News Around the Net

Should we bring back memorizing poetry in the classroom?  Maybe.  Should someone memorize The Faerie Queene to stick it to the guy who memorized Paradise Lost?  Absolutely.

How would you kick off New York's Book Expo?  A Conversation with Barbra Streisand?  Your mind has been read.  You don't have to read the whole thing (I didn't), just know that it happened.

Haiku, fake book titles, book clubs.  Twitter literary games.  These are cooler than Barbra Streisand, I promise.

Britain's poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy will judge an international John Lennon inspired poetry contest this summer.  It will culminate in a Performance Poetry Slam in November.  Anyone is free to enter!

Bad writing: A documentary.  And a short lesson from George Saunders.  Always worth it.

If you want to go to the book expo in New York, but hate all the crowds, maybe you should check out the digital book zone.  It might be nice because, well, there's no one there.  Feel the revolution!  E-books!  The future!