Hayden's Ferry Review


News Around the Net

We need one of these on this side of the Atlantic.  And we'll do it bigger and better than the English, because we're America.

Stephanie Meyer's new book is one of the fastest selling books of all time, blah blah blah.  The thing I really like about this, though, is the picture.  If that doesn't explain Stephanie Meyer's success to a tee, I don't know what does.  So hilariously shameless.

Why it's awesome to be a ghostwriter, about a guy who got filthy rich through being one.  It's not such an embarrassing thing anymore.  Maybe we should change the name to something less mysterious.

At Jacket Copy, they're embarrassed they haven't read a word of Tolstoy.  They say the problem is that it's too long.  So, for all of you who agree, I googled Tolstoy and here's twenty of his short stories.

Wells Tower won the 2010 New York Public Library Young Lion Fiction Award.  Here's a short Q&A with him.  I'm still in shock that his real name is Wells Tower.  How contradictory.

June 14th is the date for the 15th Annual Poetry Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge.  Complete with Unnecessary Capitalization and a Bill Murray video.
