Hayden's Ferry Review


News Around the Net

Random House lays the final smack down on Andrew Wylie and The Wylie Agency and stops him from selling exclusive e-book rights to authors like Updike, Roth and Ralph Ellison to Amazon. Hooray for big, evil publishing!

The 2010 International 3-day Novel contest is coming up. That's right! A novel (or I guess more like a novella) in three days. It's on a weekend, so none of you have any excuses! Who else is down? Oh wait, I work. Never mind. But anyway, this is a great diary showing what it takes.

Here's a question for you: When's the last time you read a book by a female author? It makes me sad that I can't think of one at the moment.

Bad book recommendations. It happens to all of us. And it's why I don't usually give or take recommendations any more. I'll find my own way!

How to seduce a man into getting a free lunch using The Great Gatsby.

Anyone want a Twilight toilet seat sticker? An American Psycho belt buckle? A Sherlock Holmes finger puppet? (actually, yes, I do want that one.) But wait! There's more!