Hayden's Ferry Review


Unusual Calls for Submissions

Yeast of Eden, an anthology of stories inspired by beer, is requesting submissions. We think writing and beer are a combination that deserves recognition. Hemingway had his mojitos. Fitzgerald his gin. Plenty have written about, with, and under the influence of whiskey. We want to explore the brew of the common man, of baseball, bowling, barbecues, and nano-brewers with a garage that reeks of fermentation. We love beer. It’s not necessary that you do. Whether you celebrate the brew or not, just as there are light and fruity Hefeweizens and demonic, smoky Russian Imperial Stouts, the flavor is up to you. Send us 1,000 to 7,000 words, fiction, nonfiction, or even a drinking song by September 1, 2011. Join David Ulin, Susan Straight, Tod Golberg, Janet Fitch, and others. If nothing else, the release party will be a blast. Visit beeranthology.com for more information.

Canon & Chorus: Black Poets in Prose. Forthcoming from Willow Books in 2012—Canon & Chorus: Black Poets in Prose is a collection of essays by emerging and established poets, from the African Diaspora, focusing on what poets write, that which gives them the impetus to write and the larger job of being a poet. Essays might consider themes such as the poet’s purpose in the world philosophically; his/her approach to language and how this approach fits into the larger poetic landscape. An essay may explore the spiritual aspects of form, or consider written or unwritten “texts” that provide a metaphor for poets of all walks of life. We are not looking for literary criticism, research papers or dissertations. Limit essays to 5000 words. Work not previously published encouraged. Format essay and bio in Times New Roman, 12 point, as a PDF, and send as an attachment to: Niki Herd at canonandchorus(at)aol.com (replace (at) with @ in sending e-mail). Deadline: August 15, 2011

In what ways does being female affect one's sense of place, placement, and/or (dis)location? We are seeking submissions of prose writing by women, and strongly encourage you to submit your work for consideration. We are looking for fiction and nonfiction stories that wrestle explicitly or implicitly with the question posed above. We prefer submissions to be 3000 words or less, but will consider longer pieces of exceptional quality. We will not accept submissions of poetry. A cover letter is not necessary. Please send your submissions to inherplace.org in the following manner: Subject: Title, name of author, word count. Body: Title again, short bio, and the entire story pasted into the email. Replace (at) with @ in sending submissions. Submission deadline is July 31, 2011. Attachments will not be opened. We will consider previously published work if the rights have been returned to you but please make note of where and when it was originally published.

The New Promised Land: 120 Contemporary Jewish American Poets, a new anthology forthcoming from an as-of-yet undetermined publisher, is looking for submissions from Jewish poets who are born in the U.S. after 1945. Please send 5-7 poems (previously published is okay) in the body of an email to jewampo at gmail dot com (replace the "at" with @) by June 30, 2011. The editors, Matthew E. Silverman and Deborah Ager, welcome poems about the Jewish experience and Jewish themes but please do not feel they have to be limited to that. Please include a short bio with your submission and your contact information, including an email, address, and phone number. If previously published poems, please send the acknowledgments with your submission.

Super Arrow is an online journal for experiments in writing and art, and we're looking for work that sends us giggling through the ringer, confronts us with new sensations, invents form to fit concept. We like fiction that builds universes and sparks at the line-level, and nonfiction that pushes through convention to find bright ways to reflect our human experience back on itself. We like poetry full of syllabic burrs, from poets who take risks. Visual and audio art that investigates process and plucks both seriously and comically at disciplinary context pleases us lots. Check out our archive at www.superarrow.org to see a bit of what we've published in the past. For each issue, we offer a conceptually-driven folio, and this one -- called "FROM HERE TO THERE" is inspired by maps. Head to www.superarrow.org/Assignment.html for more information. To submit, please visit our online submissions manager at superarrow.submishmash.com. We're looking forward to seeing your work, and please do forward this call to any artmaker who may be interested. We as a publication thrive on community and connection. Be the life of our party!

Dear Writer, there are so many ways to connect with people we never meet in the flesh. With an ever-expanding coterie of Facebook friends, I'm fascinated by the pull these online connections have on my life-how this throng engages and enlightens the muddle of my daily existence via the instant world of cyberspace. This month I want your stories, essays and memoirs of whacked out, subjugated rendezvous of the fourth kind! Slam me with prose that exposes and explores strange, sinister, hysterical or legendary encounters through Twitters, blogs, text messages, sex messages, online dating sites, porn sites and psycho-shopping frenzies all from the tap of a finger or a pair of thumbs. Accepting fiction and nonfiction ONLY, no more than 3000 words. No more than two submission per author. Must be sent as an attachment (MS WORD preferred). Simultaneous submissions accepted. Previously published work is also allowed as long as the author retains the rights. Please include a short third person bio for our contributor's page. Submissions Close: July 23rd. To find out more visit www.whistlingfire.com.