Hayden's Ferry Review


Contributor Spotlight: Alex Cigale

Having translated part of Amarsana Ulzytuev’s “anaphora manifesto” for my introduction in the print issue of the magazine, I have already addressed his point about the dominance of end-rhyme so characteristic of Russian verse having been a detriment to the development of anaphora. I would only add that anaphora, being so primal to English verse – in the syntactic sense due to the influence of the King James Bible, and in the broader sense, of alliteration (or “front-rhyme” as Amarsana has it,) characteristic of its earliest strata of Old English alliterative verse – in my process of translating Amarsana’s poems, I did not sense a need to consciously find words that alliterate (after all, an accident of composition) so that the “Englishing” proceeded, as I’m sure did the writing of the originals, in a natural way.

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Blind Date with a Back Issue: Subscription Drive

This Valentine’s Day weekend, receive a FREE back issue of Hayden’s Ferry Review if you subscribe or resubscribe. That’s right—Friday through Sunday only, get in the holiday spirit and we’ll send you one of the 54 previous issues of HFR, selected entirely at random. Find out who and what we loved as far back as 1986! We know it’s sudden, that it might be moving too fast to take an issue home when you’ve only just met, but who knows? You might just fall in love.

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Behind the Masthead: Editors at Work

When we're not reading, we're writing. This is where the magic happens.

"This chair was my husband's grandpa's.  The sun hits it perfectly in the late afternoon and I just sink in and scribble away before everyone else gets home at night.  At least one dog is usually around to lay on my feet and its close to the record player so I can be swallowed up by tunes while I work." -Chelsea H., Editor

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Hayden’s Ferry Review, founded in 1986, is a semi-annual international literary journal edited by the Creative Writing program at Arizona State University. Our mission is to showcase emerging talents in the literary community. While we also focus on tradition, our main purpose is to introduce the world to up and coming writers.

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Dana D
Contributor Spotlight: Mel Bosworth

I enjoy a brisk hike from time to time, a hike that’ll have me sitting in a cozy diner a few hours later with an awesome grilled cheese sandwich in my hands and a plate of greasy French Fries before me. Maybe a strong coffee. Food and drink to replenish my weary body. I don’t know that I’ll ever take a hike tantamount to the one that brings the characters of “This Place of Great Peril” to the summit of the 84th highest mountain in the world.

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