Hayden's Ferry Review


Hayden's Ferry Review: Issue 55

from the Editor:

Sigmund Freud was tormented by the mysteries of the subconscious: Where do dreams come from? Why do we have them? What do they mean? In The Interpretation of Dreams, first published in 1899, he attempted to dissect our dreams. He mused that dreams are manifestations of our repressed daytime traumas and hidden desires. Truths, in his eyes, come to us disguised as dreams.

As we read and reread the pieces in this issue of Hayden’s Ferry Review, we were constantly reminded of Freud’s meditations on dreams. Matthew Baker’s “<html>” takes us to the coded world of the internet, a world constructed of numbers where nothing is as its seems. Mel Bosworth, in “This Place of Great Peril,” drops us on top of the 84th tallest mountain in the world, into a slowly deteriorating mind. Carol Davis’s “The Secret Lives of Bridges” allows us to peer into the invisible history of the Brooklyn Bridge. In the “Skydweller’s Fingernail,” Amarsana Ulzytuev and Alex Cigale imagine our feet into clouds, our heads into constellations. Even the art for this issue lifted us into a dream world, where snails slivered up walls (Samantha Sweeting) and girls braided hair between fingers (Anastasi Cazabon) and wild-haired boys shot arrows from branch bows (Lori Vrba).

As writers, dreams are of special interest to us. Writers also work in metaphor, in image. Like dreams, stories require us to suspend our disbelief and engage with the world presented on the page, no matter how whimsical or fantastical.

In The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud organizes dream expression into five categories: displacement, projection, symbolization, condensation, and rationalization. We have chosen to organize this issue of Hayden’s Ferry Review using these five classifications. Freud referred to the stuff of dreams as “day residue,” distorted remnants of our daytime thoughts. The prose and poetry in this issue are forms of day residue, too. In the following pages, you will experience small and large truths, echoes of your life, windows into the human experience.

So many thanks to our contributors, who inspire and engage us every day. Thank you to our staff, who put so much of their time and energy into this journal. And much thanks to you, our reader, for taking the time to pick us up.

Now: enter the dream.


Dana Diehl

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Issue 55 Contributors

Prose: Kendra Atleework, Matthew Baker, Mel Bosworth, Blair Hurley, Misha Rai, Jeanne Wagner

Poetry: John C. Bennett, Simeon Berry, Moriah Cohen, Matthew Reed Corey, Carol V. Davis, Jeanine Deibel, Norman Dubie, Cody Ernst, CJ Evans, Shawn Fawson, Michael Homolka, Chris Hutchinson, Brad Johnson, Len Krisak, Lucien Darjeun Meadows, Lo Kwa Mei-en, Michael Meyerhofer, Patrick Milian, Jim Natal, Kevin Phan, Ben Purkert, Sarah Pemberton Strong, T.N. Turner, Mark Wagenaar

Translation: Nancy Naomi Carlson [Abdourahman Waberi], Alex Cigale [Amarsana Ulzytuev], Margaret Jull Costa [Enrique Vila-Matas], Anatoly Kudryavitsky and Yulia Kudryavitskaya [Annette Hagemann], Clyde Moneyhun [Maria-Mercè Marçal], Carlos Hernández Peña [Juan Luis Martínez], Colin Rorrison [Rubem Fonseca], Chris Tamigi [Mauro Covacich]

Art: Anastasia Cazabon, France Scully and Mark Osterman, Samantha Sweeting, Lori Vrba


Issue 55 Masthead

Editor: Dana Diehl

Managing Editor: Chelsea Hickok

International: Alex McElroy, Brian Bender

Art: Ashley Czajkowski

Special Projects: Heath Wilcock

Copyeditor: Mindy Wilson