Juniper Kim, from Mirrors & Stones
Flower Conroy, Scripture Fusion
In the Time of My First Pandemic I Contemplate Aferlife
Sophia Terazawa Tango, [“Yes, I Saw It Happen Thirty, Forty Times”]
Testimony R [“Rounded Up”]
Sarah J. Sloat, [I don’t require...]
[To pull two holes...]
Brandon Som, Sirenas Del Aire, 1958
Jon Elofson, Blueshift
Uma Dwivedi, Mouth (Ars Poetica)
I Am a Pisces But Mostly I Am Afraid
I Beg Mama To Fuck Me Up
Joy Tabernacle-KMT, she left me on a new moon
After living for an epoch in the tunnels holding up
the United States
Elizabeth Rasich, A Mother in the Hand
T.N. Eyer, A Dying Breed
Shelly Eshbaugh-Soha, Empowered Housewives
Steven Vineis, Pumpjack
Nome Emeka Patrick, Self-Portrait of the Poet as Grace’s Cub
Mary Ruefle, Le Petit Detail
Dani Oliver, this mania
Lytey Kay, When Holding the Hands of Your Mother, and Her Mother, and Her Mother
Lynn Gao Cox, Buoyancy
Sean Enfield, God Is a Mosh Pit
Erin Vachon, i don’t find this stuff amusing anymore
Lydia Paar, Holy
Melanie Thorne, You Will Be Hurt
Michael Colbert, Sea Monsters
Maggie Queeney, My Appetite
El Williams III, Ars Poetica or Coming Out as Poet
Youssef Mohamed, Fruits Basket
Bernardo Wade, Paradise Loser
Dara-Lyn Shrager, Silver Hill
Ana Guadalupe, translated by Ananda Lima, passé composé
San Pham, Crane Daughter 4
San Pham, Crane Daughter 1
Crane Daughter 2
Crane Daughter 3
Crane Daughter 4
Juniper Kim, Mirrors & Stones