Hayden's Ferry Review
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Mason Wray's Signal Decay: Springtime


A meadow passes by when my grandmother wanders, alive: all blooms & bees in hives.

The grass is aglow, the memory of snow lost with time.

A woman wanders the meadow time blooms & passes by

hives live with the memory of lost bees

Time is a hive when is she alive

the memory bloom passes the glow is lost

By the time the meadow is lost the grass is all snow

she wanders alive in a memory

Memory wanders lost in time o meadow the bees

the blooms with snow she passes

Snow hives the memory bee she bee alive & lost

time wanders by & by

Double exposure of person holding a picture frame.

Steven Luna, “To Our Loved Ones: Nanny”


Mason Wray is a recent graduate of the MFA program at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), where he was a Barry and Susan Hannah Fellow and served as poetry editor of Yalobusha Review. He has received support from Bread Loaf, and was a finalist this year for the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing fellowships. His poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, New Ohio Review, and Bear Review, among others.